
Collision Course


Collision Course

Rhea and Rohan were two brilliant students studying chemistry at the prestigious university of Delhi, India. Despite excelling in the same field, they were always academic rivals, trying to outdo each other in every class and lab assignment. Rhea was a quiet and reserved girl, with a passion for chemistry that was unmatched. She was often lost in her own world of molecules and equations, ignoring the rest of the world around her. Her dedication and hard work were evident in her flawless experiment results and perfect grades. On the other hand, Rohan was a dominating and confident male, who knew he was the best in the field. He always made sure to show off his knowledge and skills in front of Rhea, trying to prove his superiority over her. But secretly, he had always admired her dedication and intelligence, which sometimes made him question his own actions. As the story unfolds, the lines between love and obsession, admiration and control, become blurred, as Rhea and Rohan's dark romance continues to ignite with spice. But, in all these someone else joins to break out a news, what's it? And how can it affect their story?

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